College Offers Career Directions Workshop for Women
(Delaware and Chester Counties, PA •  September 12, 2012)— Beginning Tuesday, September 18, 2012, ´ó·¢ÁùºÏ²Ê will offer a 10-week workshop on Career Directions for Women. The workshop runs until November 20 and will be held on Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Marple Campus (901 S. Media Line Road, Media, PA).
Periodically, many women may step out of the workforce to provide care for children or other relatives, or they may work part-time jobs with flexible hours to accommodate family schedules. However, at some point, the desire or need to return to a more full-time or prominent career may emerge. Restarting a career can seem challenging or even overwhelming after time away, but Career Directions for Women can help ease such a transition.
The workshop offers guidance for women considering major life changes such as reentry into the workplace, return to schooling, career change or a shift in lifestyle. It also provides support, personal attention and a structured approach to career decision-making. Group members explore individual career options, learn effective career-research methods and develop a career-action plan.
Leading the workshop are Helene Stavis, a counselor in the College’s Career and Counseling Center, and Peggy Schils, a licensed professional counselor. Stavis and Schils both hold master’s degrees in counseling and have extensive experience working with women and their career issues as well as with job-search techniques for unemployed adults.
Career Directions for Women is limited to 16 participants on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost is $99 for residents of school districts that sponsor the College and $148 for others. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is included in the price of the workshop.
To register, please call the Community Education Office at 610-359-5025. For more information, call the Career and Counseling Center at 610-359-5324.
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